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Advanced mode

Posted: 19 April 2023, 06:10
by slimy_asparagus
I have not tried advanced mode yet. But as I read the rules. Standard mode on BGA implements advanced mode where you get a choice of island, ecosystem and climate cards. Am I missing something?

Re: Advanced mode

Posted: 19 April 2023, 09:12
by sorryimlikethis
Beginner mode gives you no choice of starting cards.
Standard mode gives you a choice between 2 islands, climates and ecosystems.
Advanced mode gives you a choice between 4 islands, climates and ecosystems.

Re: Advanced mode

Posted: 21 April 2023, 12:53
by Nastaa
In my understanding there is a difference in the individual setup between the rulebook and the implementation.

In the rulebook:
Beginner mode: get 1 island, 1 climate (no choice).
Standard mode: get 1 island, 1 climate, 1 ecosystem (no choice).
Advanced mode: get 2 islands, 2 climates, 2 ecosystems; in which choose 1 island, 1 climate, 1 ecosystem.

In the implementation:
Beginner mode: get 2 islands, 2 climates; in which choose 1 island, 1 climate.
Standard mode: get 2 islands, 2 climates, 2 ecosystems; in which choose 1 island, 1 climate, 1 ecosystem.
Advanced mode: get 4 islands, 4 climates, 4 ecosystems; in which choose 1 island, 1 climate, 1 ecosystem.

So basically the implementation gives more choices, which I like :)

Re: Advanced mode

Posted: 22 April 2023, 13:39
by bennygui

The starting cards in the physical version of the game are double sided, so one card in the physical version means 2 choices. You have the same choices on BGA, you just don't have to turn the cards.

Re: Advanced mode

Posted: 22 April 2023, 14:00
by Nastaa
Oh, I see. Thank you very much for the clarification! :)