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Suggestion : ban of some starting configuration (Mages + Places Of Power)

Posted: 25 April 2023, 17:47
by SachaBear
The culprits.

- Mage : Witch + Place Of Power : Dragon's Lair
- Mage : Witch + Place Of Power : Catacombs Of The Dead

Both of these Places Of Power can be bought and activated from Round 1, regardless of deck and starting hand. And with the Witch, they can then be activated twice per turn (sometimes a third time, with Reanimation for a typical example).

We've all seen these games :

- Witch + Dragon's Lair.
> Start with a potion to start with 6 essences.
> Discard the 3 cards from the starting hand.
> Buy Lair (round 1, turn 4).
> Profit.

- Witch + Catacombs.
> Start with Transmutation. Pick Death with Witch.
> Turn 3 non-Death resourcces into 3 Death.
> Discard 2 cards from the starting hand for 4 Death.
> Buy Catacombs (round 1, turn 4).
> Profit.

The issue.

- Witch + Dragon's Lair :
As this strategy buys monuments slowly, there is a decent chance to hit a resource-generating one and thus still build an engine despite sacrificing the starting hand. Even without these monuments, it's still super strong.

- Witch + Catacombs :
This strategy keeps one card in hand + 1 Gold, so there's sometimes a chance to play a Death-generating card on top of the core combo, to make things a bit more interesting. But even without this, it's still super strong.

My problem is not so much that these combos are super strong and very likely to win from the get go. My problem is that, overall, both strategies miss the most interesting "> ???" step which should come before "> Profit".

The mere presence of these combinations on the starting table warps the direction of a game so much. Whether playing with them or against them, it makes the game not very interesting.
- If playing with, the question is : do I want to do the brainless strategy and be most likely to win, or do I want to try something a bit different ?
- If playing against, the question is : do we want to try to prevent the Witch player from executing these strategies (not always possible), or do we play for second place or the fun of doing something interesting ?

The suggestion.

Add a BGA option (keyword : option) to set up a table with the following variant rule.

- In the setup phase, draw the Places Of Power as per usual.
- If either Dragon's Lair or Catacombs is present, remove Witch from the pool of Mages.
- Then, deal 2 Mages to each player, as per usual.

This ensures that the starting combos Witch + Lair and Witch + Catacombs won't be in the game.

Additional comments.

In Wingspan, there are 4 "super bird" cards (namely, Chihuahuan Raven, Common Raven, Franklin’s Gull and Killdeer). BGA has an option to remove them from the deck.

In Scythe, players are dealt an asymmetric Faction Board and an asymmetric Player Board at the beginning of the game. There are two banned combination (namely, Rusviet+Industrial and Crimea+Patriotic), because they're just too good together.

So, hopefully, it's not entirely an inconceivable thing to consider banning some starting combos in game.

Re: Suggestion : ban of some starting configuration (Mages + Places Of Power)

Posted: 30 May 2023, 11:13
by grochanard
I would say why not, but only in friendly configuration (not in tournament and ELO mode).
It's true that games with Witch+Dragon's lair are a bit less interesting as they obey to a pattern. But this is also the weakness of it as your opponent becomes predictable : if you think that your engine will be weaker than the witch's, when you see him going for the lair, prepare to attack ! It will cost him lots of gold and delay him enough for you to catch up.
And of course, try denying "reanimate" to your opponent as much as you can.
Personnaly I don't find this kind of predictable, reactive, aggressive games as interesting as more open and "peaceful" ones, but this is how I would go.

I find attacking in Res Arcana not always rewarding, it is rather a tactical action that may not be worth the time.
With witch+DL, it becomes a really viable strategy to rebalance the game in your favour.

Now, if you feel that your engine is weaker than the witch's and you do not have attack cards quickly available, yep you are pretty much screwed ^^

Re: Suggestion : ban of some starting configuration (Mages + Places Of Power)

Posted: 03 June 2023, 08:56
by frankpatjr
trouble with these 2 combos are also that almost all rest combination goes for gold and extension offer limited monuments so player with dragon lair
can deny 2 or 3 monuments making gold combo useless because even if you combo good you cant outbuy all monuments.

Re: Suggestion : ban of some starting configuration (Mages + Places Of Power)

Posted: 14 June 2023, 11:17
by depag3
What a dare to propose such great improvement,
what a pity that nobody nobody cares it!

Maybe if You play more - You'll discover that both above tactics are beatable...

Re: Suggestion : ban of some starting configuration (Mages + Places Of Power)

Posted: 03 December 2023, 02:17
by FollowFolklore
Teeth, Witch, Philosopher Stone, Lair + Alchemist Tower, Engine, etc., all make me nauseous.