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Expansion? I hate 'em, but...

Posted: 27 July 2023, 21:02
by gpozerski
I generally see expansions as little more than a way to soak people for more money WHILE GENERALLY WORSENING THE GAME. I feel differently about NSP.
We've learned here how to use Experience well, and with that we can win handily more often than not.

Note: If the designer meant the game to be no more than that - a simple, easy to master game, perhaps for kids - he need read no further.

1. The game can use more monsters. Not more rules, just more variety.
2. The game can use harder monsters. This could be as simple (and rule-lite) as downgrading their Class, e.g. making the 4th-level ones 3rd-level, or allowing the 4th levels to be mixed in with the 3rds. Of course you'd need new some '6th' levels to take the place of (or mix in with) the 5ths.
3. Armor is a neglected aspect of the game. It never makes any difference, no one cares. What if you could upgrade Armor? Instead of Experience, perhaps? Build up a Hero who will man Peril Level 4 to take the brunt of a creature's assault?

Like the game. Thanks a lot for it


Re: Expansion? I hate 'em, but...

Posted: 30 July 2023, 06:29
by __X__
that - a simple, easy to master game
Disagree. We use 0 xp start, which keeps the game challenging even with 1000+ ELO here.
1. The game can use more monsters. Not more rules, just more variety.
Absolutely agree. Please, please, please.
2. The game can use harder monsters.
Not sure about the method suggested, but something as simple as "buff monsters HP/Attack by 10%" might be an interesting setting.
3. Armor is a neglected aspect of the game. It never makes any difference, no one cares.
Don't think i agree with this at all ... upgrading your 3-4 card for armor is part of the strategy.

Re: Expansion? I hate 'em, but...

Posted: 30 July 2023, 10:53
by Romain672
I upgrade armor specifiquely for three reasons:
- 2 monsters in level 4 (healing halfed & lifesteal)
- when I have a character which can in most turns get the highest peril. Mainly the commander, and I know some others players like it on Hunter
- survive next turn

But that's not much unfortunately :(