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3 players game

Posted: 03 December 2023, 21:42
by ddbas
One question i could'nt fin an answer to in the rule or the forum : i'm playing in a 3 players game.
I suppose i should have been more careful but at the end of the auction phase 1 player has 3 cars, 1 has 2, i have only one.
My question: how is solved the race? Is the winner the owner of the car with the highest points or is there a cumulation of the cars owned (in that case i'm in a bad situation :mrgreen:

Re: 3 players game

Posted: 04 December 2023, 13:07
by Palini
It's a cumulation of all cars, including betting and prize money from the race.

Re: 3 players game

Posted: 11 December 2023, 21:57
by ddbas
ok thanks! So 3 cars was a bad idea! :mrgreen: