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Problem on the digital implementation

Posted: 12 January 2024, 00:38
by Mokka coffee
Hello there. I don't know if i am doing something wrong but, on this implementation i can't see what other players are selling in their turn, and that is a huge part of the game IMO. I couldn't figure it out, how to do it.
Any thoughts? Best


Re: Problem on the digital implementation

Posted: 14 January 2024, 00:16
by Beans_sa
It shows in the text game log on the right, below player names. I missed it myself at first.

It would be AMAZING if it could be improved so the cards being sold are shown on the board visually!

Re: Problem on the digital implementation

Posted: 23 April 2024, 04:39
by Billy Wonka 7 of 9
I'd love that as well. It's necessary to see how many cards people have in their portfolio and split. Even if it was 2 icons on the side of the page next to each user that showed quantity that would help