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Are Tourneys even feasible?

Posted: 17 February 2024, 01:13
by Cavetoad
Still figuring the game out and having fun with what I've learned and tried. I figure there are tourneys for this game, but I haven't even thought of looking yet since I feel I have much to learn. I'm getting enough people in my group to ponder trying a 4x tourney, but I have no idea what would work or what wouldn't....

So, fellow 4X fans, I'd like to hear some feedback.

- Have you played this at all in a tourney? If so, how did it go?

- What do you recommend for a format?

- If you have varied experience, what are the +/- of the different styles of games?

Let me know your thoughts and thanks for reading. Good luck and may you find many minerals and wrecks!

Re: Are Tourneys even feasible?

Posted: 17 February 2024, 02:20
by RobertBr
It won't work well. The longer games all struggle in tournament format.

Re: Are Tourneys even feasible?

Posted: 17 February 2024, 03:01
by Cavetoad
I kind of figured that... but I still am curious.

Thanks for your input :)

Re: Are Tourneys even feasible?

Posted: 26 March 2024, 16:54
by tarkalak
If they ever make a longer variant, that would be great.