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ELO not increasing?

Posted: 01 March 2024, 05:52
by phantomshark
So I've played 2 5-player games of this, both times finished second, and neither time have I received any ELO (my ELO is still 0, didnt even get the +1 for first game). When I hover over the ELO on the end game screen, it shows it should have gone up significantly but on the top it shows start 0 and end 0 and 'You can't win points from your teammates in a loss".

Re: ELO not increasing?

Posted: 01 March 2024, 14:29
by ErikLevin
Yes, as the game is set up, only the winner can gain Elo, and losers in total lose more Elo than the winner gains.
In my opinion this is a bug.