Discard piles - the elephant in the room

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Discard piles - the elephant in the room

Post by Flodge »

We've all been there, watching someone play two stress cards (or equivalent upgrade) and pull the two 1's from their draw pile when anything else would have caused a spin. When this is a player that has been performing well enough to be in the top echelons of the game, you know it's probably not them just rolling the dice or doing so on a hunch:

People (understandably) are tracking their discard piles in the notes function. This makes sense when you're playing a turn based game over days/weeks rather than an hour IRL... but it completely changes the game from 'real' Heat the Boardgame where your memory and it's fallibility make stress cards a very different proposition.

Rather than making this a 'hidden' feature only known to the 300+ ELO players just make the discard pile visible?
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howie varez
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Re: Discard piles - the elephant in the room

Post by howie varez »

Personally, I don't track my discard or upgrades of anyone via notes in real time, I just go 100% off memory. In turn based I track discard and opponents upgrades in notes, although only started doing that fairly recently. However, I have encountered even some very high ranked players that didn't know about the notes feature, so I think in turn based it should just automatically pop-up when the game starts and tell you what it does so more people know about it.
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Re: Discard piles - the elephant in the room

Post by Phoxtrot »

I 100% agree that there should be an option to make the discard pile visible (at least to oneself).
The option could even be effective only in turn-based game.

A game like automobile has an option to show information that is normally hidden at the table. Many games on BGA do.

The problem is always the same, what is reasonable to remember at the table in real life isn't reasonable anymore in a turn based game played over weeks with 10 other tables also requiring memory. Also, restricting the information in turn-based mode is rather futile as players can keep notes, read the log and do "replay from"...

The dev asked and the publisher said no.
So there is no way we can have that unless the publisher or author changes its mind.
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