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Allow players to change ongoing game to slower pace (requires unanimity)

Posted: 22 April 2024, 18:09
by Phoxtrot
Sometimes, * happens.
Sometimes players make a mistake, commit to a game then have to leave.

Sometimes, the other players at the table would prefer not to punish the player that made a mistake and agree to change the speed of the game.
I think it would be nice to allow that.

It would work something like this:
- Player A realized that he will have to leave the table before the game can complete
- A request a speed change and specify what speed he wants (a slower speed)
- Like for a collective abandon of a game, everyone else is then asked to agree or not
- If everyone agrees, the speed is changed and everyone's current clock is also increased to be at least 1.5 times the new time/round (or something like that).

You can see the details of my suggestion and upvote the idea here:

*Moderator edit: please refrain from swearing on BGA, this is a family-friendly platform.