Please add an option to ban the eagle

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Re: Please add an option to ban the eagle

Post by Tatertoteatalot »

I don't like the excuse it is only good on games where the score is close at the end, because it a good chunk of games, it score is close at the end. It is a feel bad card in a 2 player game.
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Re: Please add an option to ban the eagle

Post by daddyotter »

demyurge wrote: 04 July 2024, 00:37 ...An average card should lead to a 50% win rate over a large number of games. A good card will have somewhere between 51% and 60%, and a bad card between 40% and 49%....
Anyway like everything in Ark Nova, the power of a specific card at a given time depends entirely on the context: available projects, sponsors already played, money and enclosures available, action order, time left before endgame, etc.
Combining the win rate and the played rate together is interesting, especially comparing these between groups of different ELO players. This would show which cards the top players play more often and win more with.
But like you said, there are so many variables that it is just a general indication and not definitive.
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Re: Please add an option to ban the eagle

Post by elamate »

First player is more broken no?
First player get free extra turn if second player finishing the game, also often getting first card snap or uni/handshake.
If i second player and finishing a game within 31 turn my oponent have 32 turn to score higher than me. and he not need to build anything and pay animal cost.
I also think eagle is very strong. Explorer is stronger than eagle and sun bear is also stronger. with eagle you going for association anyways, sun bear give 2 animal tag, only need size 2. and 13 money is not too expensive
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