STOP giving Red Thumbs Masters

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master of blufff
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Joined: 23 June 2021, 13:50

STOP giving Red Thumbs Masters

Post by master of blufff »

i am talking to masters : can you guys please please stop giving red thumbs to eachother
its not lots of good players around hanabi and red thumbing eachothers as good players isnt helping atall
when a 5p hanabi table restricted to masters is created
when i look in some tables i rt a player; in some they rt me. in some a player rt my friends so they cant join; in other table my friend rt someone there.
so it taked around to 15 min to start a 5p master lev table
can we all start a fresh and give eachother another chance
in hanabi most red thumbs are about skills
players skills improves over times
lets undo red thums on probably good players
thank you
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Re: STOP giving Red Thumbs Masters

Post by Stroom »

I generally RT everyone who intentionally bombs games or who quits instead of playing through or who are clearly is not willing to learn to be better at the game. Somehow that's a lot of "master" players. There should be another elo bracket for better skilled players than 700-900 elo.
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master of blufff
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Re: STOP giving Red Thumbs Masters

Post by master of blufff »

thax stroom . its easier to find players in 2p so with all the red thumbs you still can find good players to play with. but in 5p its really hard to find a good table . you see 4 tables are created and you know they are all good players but they cant join eachothers table to start the game cause of red thumbs

you play here for a long time a player that you red thumbed 3 years sgo may be is a good player now. but theres no way for you find out about them
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Re: STOP giving Red Thumbs Masters

Post by kolecog420 »

I RT players who triple bomb on purpose or who are rude and abusive in chat. Unfortunately, that seems to be far too common in Hanabi. There should be a way to report purposeful triple bombing, rather than simply having to RT people.
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