New Player

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Kai Shiden
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New Player

Post by Kai Shiden »

Hello, everyone. I am completely new to BGA... I found this website via google. Through the Ages is a personal favorite game of mine, and I see a couple of other good games here, as well. I was having a bit of an issue, however. It seems as though it is extremely rare to find just an 'open' game... a game available for someone who is perfectly capable of playing these games, who knows the rules quite well, and yet lacks the social network or the proper reputation to be able to join any games...

As such, I feel as though many newer players such as myself are being put off by BGA. Unless you have established yourself through a social network of friends, it becomes too difficult to join a game. Might there be any plans in the future that will give players incentive to play against newer players? Might there be a section in the forums set aside for new-timers only? What are your thoughts on this issue?
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Jest Phulin
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Re: New Player

Post by Jest Phulin »

This may be unique to Through The Ages. Looking at what games have been created right now, I see 9 TTA games, 6 of which are restricted to certain groups, 1 of which is restricted by skill level. This still leaves 2 totally free to join, though.
Of the approximately 50 other games listed, about 6 are restricted to certain groups, and maybe a dozen looking like they are restricted by skill level.

The skill level restriction I can easily understand. Several games are not fun if being demolished by a better opponent, or if the opponent is making choices that allow you to win easily. The skill tracking is one of the advantages of this site.

The private groups thing? It does look like it is more in Through The Ages than in other games. TTA is the game which inspired asynchronous play on this site, rather than requiring realtime play. It may be that since the game is so intense, several people want to play with people they know. But, there are still games available that are free to join.

And, you could always set up your own game :)

Don't get discouraged. There are several nice players who welcome newbies on this site. In fact, players are rewarded for playing with new players via some gift points. (The problems with that system, though, are better left for another thread -- it shouldn't hijack this one. [And by problems, I mean that it isn't obvious to new players what they need to do to give the benefit to the veteran player.]) Find the few games that are open for joining in TTA, find the several tables on games you haven't tried yet, be aware that in any community there are those that want everyone to be experts and will be rude to those who are learning, and jump in and have fun. It's a pretty fun site, and isn't just full of private cliques who don't let anyone else in.
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Kai Shiden
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Re: New Player

Post by Kai Shiden »

I see where you are coming from. However, I don't think certain reputation points/rating system/whatever is a fair measure of a player's skill level. My record here is non-existent, and yet I have logged countless hours playing TTA through physical games as well as other websites. I am just as capable of a player as you are; give me the opportunity to prove it...
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Jest Phulin
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Re: New Player

Post by Jest Phulin »

You actually are probably better than I am, as I have never played the game. But, I stand by one of my earlier statements.
Jest Phulin wrote: And, you could always set up your own game :)
If you need to prove you are a good player, set up a table and restrict it to good players and above. You will be allowed to join even though you are unranked because you are the table administrator. If you win against highly ranked opponents, your rank will increase dramatically. Or, keep it unrestricted, and play several games against others who have the default ranking.

Also, a word of caution. Beware of the "big fish in a small pond" syndrome. Playing against a small group that is physically located in the same area and always winning is one thing. Playing against the world is another.... I'm not saying you aren't good. I'm just saying I've seen people who thought they were good find out that they lacked true skill (/me looks in the mirror...).
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Re: New Player

Post by Liallan »

I have to agree about starting your own game. I'd offer to play with you, except I don't know the game. (So I'm quite sure you are better than me. :lol: ) Something not mentioned is that there's a space where you can make comments, so if you feel it would help, you can always add a comment that you're experienced but new to the site. Otherwise, you may just have to deal with playing with some either newbie, or not as skilled players, until you can build a reputation or skill level on here. This is going to be true anywhere you go... anyone coming to any game site can already be skilled at a game but they are new to the site.

I find a lot of the invites are restricted to one's friends or groups. I don't know that this is meaning anyone is being clique-ish. I occasionally do set up games with someone I already know. Personally, I wish these invites wouldn't even be in the list - why does anyone else need to see them? But if I want to play something badly enough and there's no appropriate invites, I can start my own game.

And I do agree with the comment that you may not know your skill level relative to the world or this site. I've noticed that my skill playing online does not necessarily match my skill when I've played in person, and it can go both ways. Some things I can win easily in person but not online, and I figure that's just cause the people I've played with aren't the best players around - it's a limited group of people. But sometimes I actually play better online. So certainly no bad thing intended by saying that, but it is true that when you're faced with the world or the population of one site, things can be different. It probably isn't going to hurt to do a few games with the "average" players and see where you fit in with this site.

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