Polishing stuff up

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Polishing stuff up

Post by Dreadnote1337 »

This is an amazing game and a very good implementation. But after ~10 games is became a little bit too easy, atleast in solo game, even with added challenge cards. So maybe if there was some way to modify difficulty, like more challenge cards or more punishing setup - it would be cool. I get why it could be not there, maybe its hard to implement, maybe this way there is more reasons to, well. play physical game. But still, it would help a lot.
And if there was any way to pick your faction in multiplayer and, even better, challenges too. Again, I heared that it could be problematic to implement, but would be a welcome addition.
And sadly this game is nearly unplayable in hot-seat mode (or I can't find a way to fix it) because of its real-time-action-phase nature, or maybe I just couldn't find a way to switch for a second hot-seat player so they could trade cards or sequence card activation in certain way. If there was a way to play like 4-hand solo then maybe point about difficulty could be less important...

Again - game itself is pretty solid, but after couple of plays of solo-mode it became kinda same-y to win on 3-4 turn with same starting cards and, in solo, with shrunk-down pool of cards (because you could not use trading cards and other "help other" stuff)
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Re: Polishing stuff up

Post by Romain672 »

Yes, by the past all cards which synergise with one symbol where 'at the start of your turn' instead of 'once per turn'.

And that makes the game so much easier. Those cards were not great, but they could still be used to change a card into another card next turn turn 1.
Now they are rarely bad, often got a small upside (+1 symbol on your stacks), and sometimes are amazing.

By the past I got longer games in solo. I think it's because the game was harder. So I needed to adapt more and play for more late game (=resiliences).

I know this will not change, but here is what I could propose for an 'hard mode':
list of cards: https://daybreakgame.org/explore-cards
- 'Clean Energy R+D' are nerfed from 'draw 3 keep 1' to 'draw 2 keep 1' or to 'draw [3*orange] keep 1 (once per turn)' (same for the solo orange card one, maybe to draw 3 keep 1 or draw [5*orange])
- 'Green Energy Transition' are nerfed, mainly because it's good and not fun. I'm not sure how, making it once per pink would make it a worst Buffer Zones / Forcing to have 3 or 4 energy to use could work since it makes the card a curse in more cases / or changing the effect completely (like once per turn discard as much dirty energy as energy produced)
- 'Stratospheric Sulfur' should not have -10emission in 2/3/4 roll. That would force to use synergy to use it, and make you much more double think before using it
- 'Foreset Restoration' and 'Peatland Rewetting' are removed from the deck because why not? It's an hard mode, and ecology didn't get any nerf :P

edit: some days after, I'm unsure the nerf of Clean Energy R+D would be enough. The 'draw 2 keep 1' would still be really great since if you suppose you got 7 cards in hand and a stack of 2cards of Clean Energy R+D, you now can look at 13 cards and get mostly the best ones. Nerfing it to 'draw 2 keep 1' would still make you look at 11 cards and get again mostly the best ones. Which is still an enormous difference (+36% instead of +46%).
The 'once per turn' would force you to decide of what you really need that turn, per example do you really want a great passive stack or resolve your problem of energy? So even if you have 5 orange, you look at 15cards, take the best one, but are still forced to adapt to the other cards you got that turn. Instead of just taking the best one, removing the worst one, and get a boring average/good hand all the games.
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