Solo score weighting

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Solo score weighting

Post by Doccface »


Love this game. Bought for the missus at Christmas and played a couple of games. Very enjoyable.

Anyway, tried solo 3 times on BGA, sticking to Novice.
Won all 3 but only with 1 Star, 1 Star and 2 Star (49).
Felt good to get 2 star, feels like im learning the game.

However, for that 2 star win, I had Best in show for the top 3 breeds + several final round scoring cards that gave me about 12 points.

My question is, what does it take to get the higher scores? What are the main scoring criteria to focus on?
The first 2 games where I got 1 star, I put it down to not having enough Final Round scoring dogs despite my board reputation being high. When I focus on getting dogs that having final round scoring criteria, the board reputation falls way and I dont get enough sticks/balls/treat/toy items.

It would be good to get a few pointers on where I need to focus and why my scoring is on the cusp of awful.

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Re: Solo score weighting

Post by BirdwoodGames »

One huge tip for Dog Park is using Scout and Swap effectively!

This is particularly true in the solo, as the Auto Walkers won't Swap in any dogs between rounds. This is a way of getting more end game cards and really pushing on the breed expert.

Also, it can be used to deny other players certain dogs...
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Re: Solo score weighting

Post by Doccface »

I'm getting there on solo.
Just got 6star on intermediate so getting the mechanics down a bit better

Just a shame I can only play on solo. Can't get a game with real folk at all. Frustrating.
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Re: Solo score weighting

Post by SchrockATC »

Okay, I am clearly doing something wrong. I have played solo twice and got 35 and 37 points respectively. A couple of questions: 1st) When it says you need at least 3 breed experts, does that mean you need to have 3 different breeds of dog, or you need to have the most dogs of a certain breed in 3 different categories. 2) When you exchange a dog in your kennel that has been walked with a dog in the field, do you lose that walked token? 3) in the final score, whether you failed to reach the objective or not, is it all or none? Meaning, are none of the boxes (breed experts, resources left over, and dogs walked) checked unless you achieve all of the objectives? I could swear that I have walked 8 dogs and received at least 3 breed experts, but did not have enough resources left over, but the final score shows none of boxes checked off. Please help. Thanks
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