Bad tips

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Bad tips

Post by JayjayBerger »

The "advanced tips" section under each game says that it's a good strategy for an outlaw not to reveal your role early. While it is true in certain circumstances, most of the time it's bad advice. Because of that, some outlaws end up shooting at or jailing other outlaws, when someone tries to be "clever". 99% of the time, outlaws need to focus on the sherif and concentrate their shoots against him. Or against a clear deputy if he's an easier target. Coordinated action between outlaws is often unstoppable (if they are 3 outlaws, it's a different story in a 5 player game).
Also people need to actually think before drawing conclusions: a player who deliberately avoids shooting the sherif while he could is not the same thing as not being able to target him in the first place. Also avoiding shooting him to shoot instead at the deputy is not the same thing at shooting randomly to another player whose role is not known yet...
Outlaws should finally remember this: like the deputy, their goal is not to survive, their goal is that the sherif dies (survives for the deputy). So their own life doesn't matter that much. It's often a better collective strategy to attack your enemies and weaken them, even if you end up dying and your teammates get the kill. Of course, an alive player is a crucial asset, so like with the 3 laws of robotics you should also protect your own life, but mission first!
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Re: Bad tips

Post by DoctorFianchetto »

In my limited experience, trying to be crafty as an outlaw doesn't work. I don't play in arena but in the "wild west" of casual games I've had many games where I see players attack each other seemingly at random. So I'm at outlaw and I try to attack someone who I "think" is deputy or renegade (it's basically a random guess). Most of the time I attack outlaw. Does not end well.

It's simpler and less stressful to just attack sheriff straight away and reveal myself. I don't see a good reason to stay hidden. Like you say, even if that leads to an early death, at least I've (hopefully) weakened the sheriff and made things clearer for the other outlaws.

In conclusion: I repeated your post using different words :lol:
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