You do not meet the requirements.../Nie spełniasz wymagań...

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Joined: 16 November 2022, 22:04

You do not meet the requirements.../Nie spełniasz wymagań...

Post by T0fiusz »


I don't understand one information displayed during the game / nie rozumiem jednej informacji wyświetlanej podczas rozgrywki

Can anyone tell me what "requirement" haven't been met? / Czy ktokolwiek może mi wyjaśnić jakie wymaganie nie zostało spełnione?

I've played few times against Wakhan already (win rate 50%) and yet still can't understand this issue.

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Re: You do not meet the requirements.../Nie spełniasz wymagań...

Post by Thalack »

What the requirements are depends on the card action. For a battle action for example there needs to be either a region to battle in/card to battle on, which means you need to have pieces there to attack with (armies or spies) and there need to be opponents pieces to remove.

For a build action you need to rule a region, for the tax action there needs to be rupees to tax, etc.
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Joined: 16 November 2022, 22:04

Re: You do not meet the requirements.../Nie spełniasz wymagań...

Post by T0fiusz »

Thanks a lot! I suppose this is some basic stuff. Since I have played a few games (and even won half of them), I've already gained an understanding of basic game concepts. That was something less obvious. Regret I did not make more screens to present the whole situation :-/
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