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How to play solo vs Wahkan?

Posted: 23 November 2023, 05:04
by Waargh
I tried starting a solo game vs rulebook wahkan. Nothing was clickable on the board and it kept prompting me to hit Next to start Wahkan's next turn. Am I missing something or does 1 player game not work on BGA?

Re: How to play solo vs Wahkan?

Posted: 23 November 2023, 11:08
by Thalack
There should be a 'Next' button right next to the text. It's just a way to add some pauses to the Wakhan's turn to let you check the logs and see what is happening. There is an option to skip this altogether (Fully automated Wakhan) and Wakhan will play their full turn in one go.

Re: How to play solo vs Wahkan?

Posted: 25 November 2023, 03:31
by CoolDaddy419
I'm confused as well. Tried starting a solo game and can't do anything except click "next" to let Wahkan play. Literally can't do anything else. Can someone please outline the steps a solo player needs to take after selecting their initial faction? How do I select a card to purchase?

Re: How to play solo vs Wahkan?

Posted: 25 November 2023, 10:21
by Thalack
Wakhan always has the first turn. The next button is just a way to add some pauses to the Wakhan's turn to let you check the logs and see what is happening. There is an option to skip this altogether (Fully automated Wakhan) and Wakhan will play their full turn in one go. Wakhan's turn will take several steps before it's your turn, so it will take several click to get to your turn.

Re: How to play solo vs Wahkan?

Posted: 04 December 2023, 02:25
by CoolDaddy419
Just as an update - your advice was helpful. Ive played against wahkan several times now and think this is a fantastic game. wonderful implementation. Great job.

Re: How to play solo vs Wahkan?

Posted: 04 December 2023, 14:17
by Thalack
Thanks for the feedback! :-)