Add a "Nudge player" button for async games.

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Add a "Nudge player" button for async games.

Post by TheDocAwesome »

Would it be possible to add a nudge button to async games which will send an e-mail notification to players reminding them that it's their turn for that specific game. Here is my reasoning:
1. Inboxes are busy places, e-mails get buried beneath trash rather quickly, especially for "trash" e-mails which many people use for online subscriptions.

2. If I get a notification for a single table, all other table notifications gets suppressed. e.g. if I get a notification telling me it's my turn in game A, and I say to myself "I'll get it later" and then it becomes my turn in game B, I won't get a second notification. If I get busy throughout the day I might forget that I never took my turn in game A, and then the next notification I get will be to let me know that I'm running out of time. I think this is a real problem for people who play 20+ games at once.

3. People don't like the confrontation of telling people its their turn. It especially gets old after the 10th time it happens in a specific game. A "nudge" button could be an anonymous way to remind people "hey it's your turn" without having to tell them directly.
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Re: Add a "Nudge player" button for async games.

Post by ErikLevin »

For 2, I think I've seen the push notification update when it becomes my turn in another game. But I can't say if it's consistent and reliable.
If not, wouldn't a much better solution be that 2. got fixed so that you always get a new notification for every game it becomes your turn. Rather than sometimes getting extra notifications, when the other players happen to choose to "nudge" you, and sometimes getting none...

A while back I started to make my policy to message players who run out of time in turn-based, politely asking if they are able to come back and play soon. So far, one person out of maybe 10 has acknowledged the message in any capacity, and they did come back and apologized for having been busy and whatnot. Great, no problem, anyone can have an unexpectedly busy day, technical issues, or something urgent come up. But 9 out of 10 ignore the message completely and don't improve their playing pace in any way. The unfortunate reality is that no nudging in the world will make those players react.
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Re: Add a "Nudge player" button for async games.

Post by RicardoRix »

There already is an automated email you get when you run out of time.
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Re: Add a "Nudge player" button for async games.

Post by nicotacotac »

You can also send a private message to the player with a "gentle reminder". It will send an email notif ;)
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Re: Add a "Nudge player" button for async games.

Post by KenFin1 »

nicotacotac wrote: 12 March 2024, 05:32 You can also send a private message to the player with a "gentle reminder". It will send an email notif ;)
Not if they have turned off emails in their settings. First thing i did , i got fed up with the spam.
TheDocAwesome wrote: 10 March 2024, 18:28 3. People don't like the confrontation of telling people its their turn. It especially gets old after the 10th time it happens in a specific game. A "nudge" button could be an anonymous way to remind people "hey it's your turn" without having to tell them directly.
If they are in their time limits you need to wait. BGA don't accept slow play in real time games as a problem (even though it can be) so they won't see it as a problem in turn based games either. Repeatedly pressuring someone to play faster is deemed harassment - and moderatable. Even offering them the option to play turnbased so they can have longer to take their moves can get you moderated!! (ikr?!) . I'm not saying I agree with it, but that's how it is. What you're essentially asking is "can I have a way to get someone to play faster?". BGA's response is set the game settings to your needs and then use the expel function. Otherwise put up and shut up or it will be you who gets the moderation penalty not them.

For turnbased games if they are outside their time limit then you have the ability to expel them same as for real time games. (Assuming you're the sort of person who is happy doing that and they're really not responding.) I tend to give a bit of slack with turn based games as it's not real time so who cares if they're a bit over. If they're not hitting the threshold to expel then they're not overtime. In that case if you want a more responsive game set the options for multiple moves per day, or else play real time.
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Re: Add a "Nudge player" button for async games.

Post by TheDocAwesome »

KenFin1 wrote: 12 March 2024, 12:28 What you're essentially asking is "can I have a way to get someone to play faster?". BGA's response is set the game settings to your needs and then use the expel function. Otherwise put up and shut up or it will be you who gets the moderation penalty not them.
I think what I'm actually asking for is a low confrontation way to remind people that they're still playing a game. I don't necessarily think saying "people might abuse it and harass" people is necessarily a good justification for not having the feature. The same could be said about many things that are implemented.

As for expelling people from the game, I don't think it's a great solution for a number of reasons. For one, it's punitive to the player who gets expelled, that alone causes most people to not want to pull the trigger. Even if I see someone as taking too long on their turn to be rude, expelling them from the table and causing them a penalty seems more rude, and I don't want to do it.

I don't think the two are mutually exclusive though. For instance, it would be nice to be able to send someone a nudge or 2, and if they continue to ignore notifications then at least you gave them a chance before expelling them from the table.
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